CSR Europe

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100 Industry Leaders to Drive Action Over Ambition in Sustainability at the European Sustainable Industry Summit 2024


  • Between 25-26 June, 200 C-level stakeholders from industry, European institutions, and civil society organisations will co-shape the next generation of corporate sustainability practices to sustain Europe’s future competitiveness and prosperity.

  • Highlights include the kick-off meeting of the Chief Sustainability Officers Network, three high-level sessions, nine thematic European roundtables on the EU sustainability framework, and 4 business cases on the impact of artificial intelligence on business.

  • Hosted by BNP Paribas Fortis, the event is supported by the European Investment Bank, Platinum Sponsor Coca-Cola in Europe and Gold Sponsor Enel.

Brussels, 24 June 2024 – Building on the outcomes of the European Elections and the recent  G7 Summit in Italy, the European Sustainable Industry Summit 2024 is set to unite businesses leaders, European policymakers, and representatives of civil society to define the path forward towards a resilient, inclusive and environmentally responsible Europe. Organised by CSR Europe with the support of the European Investment Bank and sponsored by Coca-Cola in Europe and Enel, the event will take place on 25-26 June at the BNP Paribas Fortis Auditorium in Brussels.

Over the course of 18 sessions spanning two days, 200 c-level stakeholders will share strategic insights and practical approaches to navigate the complexities of the green and digital transition. By harnessing the collective expertise of industry leaders and policymakers, the European Sustainable Industry Summit 2024 aims to inspire actionable commitments and robust engagement, both within and beyond Europe, as key drivers for competitiveness and long-term sustainable growth.

Highlight of the event is the kick-off meeting of the Chief Sustainability Officers Network, taking place on Day 1 at 14:45 CEST. Following the launch of the Business Manifesto 2024-2029, the CSO Network aims at fostering a safe space for peer-to-peer learning between CSOs and equivalents as well as direct dialogue with the European Commission for the adoption of effective and lean sustainability policies.

Kurt Vandenberghe, Director-General DG CLIMA, European Commission:

“Sustainability is not a choice for Europe. It is its licence to grow and its competitiveness compass. Europe has all it takes to excell in competitive sustainability and to offer humanity a pathway to prosper within planetary boundaries. I welcome CSR Europe’s effort to build leadership in corporate sustainability.

Dr. Hakan Lucius, Head of Sustainability, European Investment Bank (EIB):

“Financing the green transition and supporting climate action is the number one strategic priority of our time, to ensure Europe’s sustainable growth, technological competitiveness, strategic autonomy, and security”. 

Michael Anseeuw, CEO, BNP Paribas Fortis:

“Over the past five years, we've witnessed the European Union developing a clear ambition to make Europe climate-neutral by 2050. Now, it's time to focus on delivery and ensuring regulatory stability. The creation of the capital markets union by integrating and deepening capital markets across the EU is essential for supporting a low-carbon economy and achieving the EU’s climate targets. Significant investments are required, and BNP Paribas and BNP Paribas Fortis are ready to support families and businesses in this transition by providing the necessary financing solutions and expertise.”

Wouter Vermeulen, Vice President Public Policy & Sustainability, Coca-Cola Europe:

As the European Union progresses in its climate ambitions, there is an opportunity to understand how to better equip companies to transform compliance and reporting exercises into activities that promote value-creation. Regulatory frameworks can support companies as they strive to integrate sustainability in their long-term corporate strategy, but they also need to enable innovation. And to foster innovation, regulatory clarity and opportunities for multi-stakeholder dialogue and collaboration are critical”

Gonzalo Juarez de la Rasilla, Head of Sustainability Stakeholders Engagement, Enel S.p.A.:

“At Enel, we believe in the power of collective action and effective cooperation to drive transformative impact. Our support for CSR Europe’s European Sustainable Industry Summit is an example of our steadfast commitment to lead the change towards a sustainable future for all. We look forward to reinforcing our collaboration with European policymakers and other industry leaders with the aim to shape the landscape of tomorrow. Together, we are not just envisioning a cleaner, more efficient industry; we are actively building It”.




Daria Delnevo, Communications & Network Manager, dd@csreurope.org.



CSR Europe is the leading European business network for corporate sustainability and responsibility. With our corporate members, national partner organisations (NPOs), and associated partners, we unite, inspire & support over 10,000 enterprises at local, European, and global level. We support businesses & industry sectors in their transformation and collaboration towards practical solutions and sustainable growth. We are for systemic change. Following the SDGs, we want to co-build with the European leaders and stakeholders an overarching strategy for a sustainable Europe 2030.

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