CSR Europe

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Business for Society: The Diversity & Inclusion MasterClass Project

Business for Society, the largest platform for responsible business in the Czech Republic, is coordinating the project “Diversity & Inclusion MasterClass to support setting up and implementing diversity and inclusion in companies.  The project is co-funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme of the European Union.

The key activities and outputs of the Diversity & Inclusion MasterClass project are:

  • The Diversity Compass – an analytical tool that provides inexperienced employers with an overview on how they are doing in the area of diversity and inclusion. and helps them to identify key areas for improvement.

  • Online Library on diversity and inclusion – it includes videos and podcasts, workshops and conferences, articles, campaigns on social networks on current topics in the field of diversity and inclusion.

  • The “MasterClass Guide” - an online publication where signatories of the Diversity Charter will share their experience and good practices of implementing diversity and inclusion principles in their companies. This guide will be freely available in English as an open tool for companies across Europe to develop diversity and inclusion in their workplace.


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