CSR Europe

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CSR Europe Launches New Grievance Management Assessment Tool

  • The new tool provides companies with an overarching assessment of their Grievance Mechanism and offers tailored recommendations to rapidly advance the set-up of the right processes.

  • CSR Europe members can benefit from 30% discount.


Grievance mechanisms are integral to companies' capacity to proactively address and resolve environmental and social concerns, thereby preventing their escalation into larger systemic issues. Since the introduction of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) in 2011, regulators worldwide have made concerted efforts to incorporate into laws the responsibility of companies to establish robust grievance processes. From the UK’s “Modern Slavery” act of 2015 to the Germany’s Supply Chain Due Diligence Act of 2021, Europe is now heading towards the adoption of mandatory requirements for companies with the first European Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (CSDDD).

In this rapidly evolving landscape, CSR Europe's new Grievance Management Assessment tool (GMA) not only helps companies meet upcoming requirements but also empowers them to leverage grievance mechanisms to enhance due diligence throughout the supply chain.

Our experts will benchmark and assess the maturity of your grievance processes against the UNGPs 8 Effectiveness Criteria. As a result of this exercise, you will receive a comprehensive overview of systemic issues, current gaps, and areas for improvement. It will be then easier than ever before to start working to ensure that operational-level grievance mechanisms in your company are legitimate, accessible, predictable, equitable, transparent, rights-compatible, a source of continuous learning, and based on engagementt and dialogue.

Besides gaining a strategic view of your grievance management, you will be also able to foster the accessibility and effectiveness of your Grievance Mechanism, in the view of anticipating and mitigating human rights and environmental risks.

Our experts will also provide you with clear recommendations to ensure the accessibility to remedies to all the stakeholders involved in your supply chain. How? We will translate your performance vis-à-vis the UNGPs’ 8 Effectiveness Criteria into 29 process requirements.

Contact us to learn more about the GMA tool and simplify the daunting task of identifying, preventing, and mitigating adverse environmental and social impact. CSR Europe corporate members benefit from a 30% discount.


For more information:  

Filippo Spiezia,

Senior Project Manager


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