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Discover BNP Paribas Climate Report 2023

BNP Paribas has recently published its 2023 Climate Report, detailing the bank's significant steps and future targets for supporting the transition to a low-carbon economy.

The report underscores BNP Paribas’ strategic focus on contributing to the global effort to combat climate change and transition to a sustainable future.

In line with its company purpose, BNP Paribas’ 2025 strategic plan, named “Growth, Technology, Sustainability” (GTS), places sustainability, including climate-related issues, at the heart of the Group's strategy. Within the Sustainability pillar of the plan, the Bank has defined five priority themes that align with its clients’ objectives and with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDG). While the climate is obviously central to the priority theme “Transitioning towards carbon nautrality”, it is also deeply connected to the others, such as “Circular economy” (e.g. via the reduction of resource consumption and the decrease in associated energy) or "Natural capital & biodiversity” (e.g. via the fight against deforestation) or “Sustainable savings, investments and financing” (e.g. via green bonds issuance, reducing carbon footprint of investment portfolio, etc.).

The Group has defined three strategic areas to accelerate the implementation of its commitments in CSR and sustainable finance:

  1. Aligning its portfolios with its objective for carbon neutrality

  2. Engaging with clients to support them in the transition towards a sustainable low-carbon economy

  3. Strengthening steering tools, processes and set-ups


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