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econsense Publishes a White Paper on the First Reporting Cycle of the EU Taxonomy in Germany

A new white paper Let’s talk numbers: EU Taxonomy Reporting by German Companies”, which has been published by econsense, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management and the University of Kassel on 27 June 2023 examines the initial implementation of the EU Taxonomy by companies in Germany.

The paper shows that the EU Taxonomy can be a useful tool for companies to demonstrate how they are aligning their business model with a sustainable and low-carbon economy. By removing usability issues and bolstering its applicability, the EU Taxonomy can evolve into a source of decision-useful sustainability data. This will allow investors and financial market participants to better understand how green their investments are and to redirect capital.

The study, led by the German sustainability network, econsense, and a team of researchers and experts in sustainable finance of Frankfurt School of Finance & Management and the University of Kassel, quantitatively analyzed the report EU Taxonomy KPIs of econsense members and DAX-companies, which were required to report EU Taxonomy information. Furthermore, the experiences of companies in the first reporting cycle are based on feedback received by several econsense member companies and discussions with experts from the econsense network. The case studies are contributions from the respective companies.

The publication of this study marks a significant contribution to the ongoing dialogue surrounding sustainable finance, the EU Taxonomy, and the fight against climate change. It serves as a resource for policymakers, market participants, and stakeholders seeking to understand and navigate the evolving landscape of sustainable finance.

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