CSR Europe

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Enel: WattAChange Campaign on the Benefits of End-Use Electrification

Enel has launched the communication campaign #WattAchange! on the benefits of end-use electrification with a fact-based comparison between gas and electricity for residential heating, water heating, and transport.  

The campaign was launched together with SolarPower Europe, WindEurope, Iberdrola Renewables, EDP, Akuo Energy, and SMA Solar Technology AG on the occasion of the release of the Fitfor55 Package - a mammoth set of proposals to slash net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels on the way to reaching climate neutrality by 2050.

The campaign focuses on:

  1. Renewables and their role in powering a decarbonised future.

  2. Direct electrification as it offers the cheapest and simplest route to decarbonize large portions of total final energy uses.

  3. Renewable hydrogen for sectors that are hard to electrify.

  4. Grids as the enabler of the energy transition.


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