CSR Europe

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Financing Europe’s Green and Digital Transition

  • Join the dialogue on the next frontier of sustainable finance with the European Commissioner for Financial Affairs, Mairead McGuinness, and Thomas Lesueur, Commissioner General for Sustainable Development of the French Ministry for the Ecological Transition at the high level plenary “Financing the Future” on 12 October.

  • Register now.

Sustainable finance and investment are key to accelerate the adoption of an inclusive approach to the green and digital transition. At the high-level plenary "Financing the Future", taking place on 12 October at 11:30-13:00 CET, CSR Europe will welcome investors, governments, and businesses to define the boundaries of the new economic system aimed at protecting life and earth.  Together, we will explore the key role played by the financial sector and Chief Financial Officers within companies to improve the living conditions of citizens and workers and fill up the investment gap needed to achieve the UN SDGs and the Paris Agreement.

Guest speakers include the European Commissioner for Financial Affairs, Mairead McGuinness, who will set the context of the new frontier of sustainable finance; Thomas Lesueur, Commissioner General for Sustainable Development of the French Ministry for the Ecological Transition; Caroline Wellemans, Head of Unit at DG INTPA of the European Commission; Hakan Lucius, Head of Corporate Responsibility and Civil Society at the European Investment Bank; Antoni Ballabriga, Chair of the Sustainable Finance Working Group of the European Banking Federation; Liina Carr, Confederal Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation; Hacina Py, Head of Impact Finance Solutions at Société Générale.

The sessions are part of the European SDG Summit 2021, taking place online from 11-14 October. The Summit will bring together 5000+ Sustainability Leaders in 4 High-Level plenaries and 26 European and National SDG Roundtables to accelerate the journey towards climate neutrality and the adoption of an inclusive approach to the green and digital transition. The event is open and free for everyone. You can register here to have access to all the 30 sessions in programme.


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