CSR Europe

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Join the New Collaborative Platform on Multicultural Diversity & Inclusion

  • The business-led platform “Business Uniting Talents 2030” facilitated by CSR Europe aims at improving the effectiveness of company’s Multicultural Diversity & Inclusion efforts. Interested companies are invited to express their interest.

  • The platform will take advantage of the methodology and tools developed in the successful Pilot Project carried out in Belgium between 2020-2022.

CSR Europe is bringing together leading businesses across Europe in the collaborative platform “Business Uniting Talents 2030”, aimed at advancing Multicultural Diversity & Inclusion in the workplace. The platform builds upon the tools and methodology developed in the successful Belgian pilot project of the same name that ended in March this year. Over the course of two years, platform partners will work in five workstreams to develop and implement inclusive business models.

  • Workstream 1: Gathering data

CSR Europe will benchmark the current performance of platform members via the Multicultural D&I Business Model and Assessment tool.  This step will set the baseline for action, highlighting companies’ strengths and weaknesses. Individual performance will be disclosed only to the interested company.

  • Workstream 2: Listening to employees

Platform partners will be guided in setting up a dedicated Employee Resource Group to gain valuable insights on employees’ priorities and recommendations.

  • Workstream 3: Receiving feedback

Each platform member will receive tailored reports including expert advice and suggested improvement actions.

  • Workstream 4: Planning the way forward

Execution of pilot activities across Europe monitored and supported by CSR Europe.

  • Workstream 5: Raising Awareness

Platform meetings, stakeholder dialogues, and high-level events will be organized throughout the year to foster learning and sharing between platform partners and practitioners.



The pandemic and the ongoing war in Ukraine are irremediably shaping the world of work. However, not everyone has been impacted in the same way. As reported by Eurostat in the 2022 Report on Sustainable Development in the European Union, COVID-19 has disproportionately worsened the labour market integration of non-EU nationals, widening the already existing gap with home-country nationals. Nearly half (47.9%) of non-EU citizens living in the EU are at risk of poverty and social exclusion compared to 19.9% of EU home-country nationals. To make matters worse, according to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHR), the Ukrainian conflict has forced more than 5 million of people to seek refuge across Europe.

In this historic moment, CSR Europe’s collaborative platform Business Uniting Talents 2030 aims to equip companies with the right tools to integrate Multicultural Diversity & Inclusion at the core of their decision-making processes and management while gaining access to and retaining the talents they need.


For more information:

Emanuela Pisanó,

Project Manager



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