CSR Europe

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Lead and Engage to Scale-Up SDG Impact

2020 has seen a rough start with the COVID-19 pandemic shaking Europe and the world to its core. As we battle the repercussions of the pandemic, it is clear that ‘business as usual’ is no longer an option. We need to change the way we think, learn, work, produce, consume, and invest. And we need to do it together. With so much on the line, we all have a duty to collaborate towards the adoption of a sustainable and inclusive approach to growth.

For this reason, the 2020 edition of the European SDG Summit will focus on “Impactful Partnerships to Build Back Better”.

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55 Online Sessions for 70+ hours of Content in 5 days

From 26 to 30 October, the SDG Summit will attract 5.000+ local, European, and global Change-Makers networking online in 55 sessions to incubate action-oriented collaborations aimed at:

  • Increasing the resilience of enterprises

  • Rebuilding our societies and economies

  • Accelerating the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030

The building blocks for a Sustainable Europe 2030

At the morning plenaries, representatives from the European Commission, industry federations, business leaders and young entrepreneurs will engage in forward-looking dialogues on:

  • The European Pact for Sustainable Industry with Frans Timmermans, First Executive Vice-President of the European Commission. Make sure to secure your spot for this sought-after session!

  • Sustainable finance for business transformation to shift from a volume to a value driven economy.

  • Connecting the dots between the Green Dean and the Industrial Strategy for a circular economy.

  • The potential of a due diligence law to couple environmental protection with human rights.

  • The Future of Work and the imperative of pursuing a Just Transition.

In 50 European and National SDG Roundtables business leaders, civil society, sustainability experts and Thought Leaders from a wide range of sectors and industries to overcome the challenges posed by the Sustainable Development Goals and deliver them by 2030.

From the Automotive, Chemical and Energy industry to the Finance, Food, Transport, Logistics sector, get ready to be inspired and discover how to unlock Europe's future prosperity and resilience.

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A Network of 100+ Organisations INVOLVED

Organised in collaboration with a wide network of 100+ organisations, the European SDG Summit 2020 will be a not-to-be-missed event for those who want to deliver on the SDGs and build back better our economies and societies.

For 2020, we have also partnered up with the SDG Forum and G-STIC in the SDG Week, giving you access not only to the European SDG Summit 2020, but also the SDG Forum 2020 and G-STIC 2020.

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