CSR Europe

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Making the Future of Work Inclusive of Persons With Disabilities

Inclusive life-long learning, adoption of universal design, supply of assistive technologies are some of the key measures that companies can adopt to ensure an inclusive future of work of persons with disabilities. Join CSR Europe and Disability Hub Europe at the webinar to learn more.

The future of work presents major challenges and opportunities for society. Challenges need to be addressed and opportunities must be seized in order to ensure no one is left behind, especially those most vulnerable as persons with disabilities, in alignment with the United Nations´ 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals. Fundación ONCE and the International Labour Organization Global Business and Disability Network (ILO GBDN), in the framework of Disability Hub Europe, have identified five key objectives for the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the future of work:

  1. Ensure new forms of employment and employment relations integrate disability inclusion;

  2. Skills development and life-long learning made inclusive of persons with disabilities;

  3. Universal Design embedded in the development of new infrastructure, products and services;

  4. Assistive technologies, existing and newly developed, to be made affordable and available;

  5. Measures to include persons with disabilities in growing and developing areas of the economy.  

These findings are part of the publication “Making the future of work inclusive of persons with disabilities”, developed by Fundación ONCE and the ILO GBDN in the framework of Disability Hub Europe (DHub) with the co-funding of the European Social Fund (ESF). The document analyses for the first-time key trends that are shaping the future of work from a disability perspective.  

Would you like to discover what actions your company can implement to ensure an inclusive future of work of persons with disabilities? Join CSR Europe and Disability Hub Europe (DHub) at the upcoming webinar “Making the future of work inclusive of persons with disabilities”. Due to the special circumstances caused by COVID-19 we will provide information on the date of the webinar at a later stage.  

You will discover:    

  • How the main trends of the future of work will impact people with disabilities, in terms of risks and opportunities

  • What your company can do to ensure an inclusive future of work of persons with disabilities

  • Why multi-stakeholder collaboration is key for a more disability-inclusive future of work

  • Best practices from relevant companies