CSR Europe

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Our Guide to Meet the New Corporate Reporting and Sustainable Finance Requirements

  • Following the avalanche of measures released in 2021 to make the EU Green Deal a success, CSR Europe’s 2022 planned activities will provide companies with unique intelligence, exclusive learning opportunities, and practical tools & services to align with the upcoming EU requirements and the expectations of investors and stakeholders.

Last year the European Commission has accelerated the pace to deliver on the promises of the EU Green Deal and transform the European Union into a modern, resource-efficient, and competitive economy. The new measures - like the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), the European Sustainability Reporting Standards, the EU Taxonomy, the Country-by-country Reporting Directive, and the future EU Due Diligence Legislation and Sustainable Corporate Governance - are transforming the regulatory landscape in which companies operate, raising compliance challenges that will impact their sustainability and transparency.

It is in this context that this year CSR Europe will continue to support its members in:

  • Developing an integrated approach to meet the requirements of this multitude of new binding regulations on sustainable finance and reporting;

  • Incorporate Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations into internal decision-making processes;

  • Strengthening corporate relations with investors to attract and stimulate sustainable investments.

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Save the date and register now for the exclusive Atelier series – for corporate members only - that will help your company to align with the EU agenda on sustainable finance and reporting:

In these exclusive events, CSR Europe will present and test together with participants best practices, methodologies, including practical improvement tips. 

Moreover, there will be also opportunities for collective learning through the CSR Europe open webinar series on:

At the same time, members and non-members can count on CSR Europe to receive support to improve the maturity and integration of sustainability into their business model, management, and activities. We offer a wide variety of services, ranging from stakeholder dialogues to materiality assessments, and sustainability report review


For more information:

Lorena Sorrentino

Markets and EU Manager



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