CSR Europe

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Staying Together, Staying Ahead of Our Time

To foster the new entrepreneurial spirit emerged from the COVID-19 crisis, we are inviting businesses, industry federations and policymakers across Europe to implement a European Pact for Sustainable Industry.

1st Step: Contribute to our social media campaign to mainstream collaborative action in sustainability.

2nd step: Start sector and/or cross-sector collaborations to maximize value creation to society.

In the aftermath of the COVID-19 outbreak, we all have a duty to collaborate towards the adoption of a sustainable and inclusive approach to growth ‘Business as usual’ is no longer an option. We need to change the way we think, learn, work, produce, consume, and invest. In the unprecedented times we are living in, thousands of men and women working in businesses, industry federations, governments, higher education institutions, civil society organisations, across cities, regions, and countries have showed us that this is possible. They are breaking free from old habits, and adopting a renewed entrepreneurial spirit, driven by the desire to collaborate, to take care of people and to generate value for society.

We want to continue fostering this new way of thinking and acting. For this reason, after calling for an overarching sustainable Europe 2030 strategy, we are now inviting businesses, industry federations and policymakers across Europe to develop and implement a visionary and ambitious European Pact for Sustainable Industry.

With the Pact, we want to initiate a pan-European movement, at local and international level to invigorate leadership and engagement towards a Sustainable Europe 2030. Time has come for all enterprises to join forces with their industry federations to transition towards circular production and consumption patterns by engaging the entire value chain – balancing economy, biodiversity and societal needs in order to maximize value creation to society.

The European Pact for Sustainable Industry has three targets:

  1. At Industry Sector Level

    By 2024, all the industry federations will have developed a sustainability roadmap.

  2. At Company Level

    By 2030, 10.000 companies will be engaged in sector and/or cross-sector collaborations contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

  3. At Policy Level

    Policymakers will leverage the collaborative actions undertaken by companies to develop and implement an inclusive level playing field.

To monitor the progress made, the Pact will release a (bi-) annual Sustainable Industry Barometer on the level of maturity and integration of SDGs in the European industry sectors.  The Barometer will also illustrate best practices of sector and cross-sector collaborations undertaken at national, European, and international level. Thereby, the Barometer will help contextualise the EU Semester - in which President Ursula Von der Leyen required to integrate the SDGs - and the annual Eurostat monitoring report on progresses made towards the SDGs.

Join the Pact and showcase your involvement in this inter-industry, continent-wide effort to take sustainability from strategy to action.

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1st STEP: Participate to our Social Media Campaign

To give visibility to the Pact, on 18 May, CSR Europe has officially started a social media campaign on LinkedIn and Twitter that will last until the end of the year.

If your company, industry federation, and organisation share the spirit of the Pact, you can showcase your support and promote your own ongoing sector/cross-sector collaborations in the framework of the Pact by using our free social media toolkit.

In the toolkit you will find:

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2nd STEP: Start Sector and/or Cross-Sector Collaborations

If you would like to build collective intelligence and methodologies to tackle shared sustainability challenges in your industry in the framework of the European Pact for Sustainable Industry, engage:



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