CSR Europe

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The State of the Union on Sustainable Industry

  • Join the European SDG Roundtable on 11 October to discover the results of the first-ever European Sustainable Industry Barometer, developed by CSR Europe in collaboration with V.E., part of Moody's ESG Solutions.

  • The Report gauges the ESG performance and maturity level of European industry sectors and federations, demonstrating the progress made and where further action is urgently needed.

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Europe’s transition toward carbon neutrality by 2050 will require structural efforts from all industry sectors to adopt clean technologies, embed sustainability into their strategy, and maximise synergies within and across sectors. Industry federations are uniquely positioned to scale up the individual efforts of their member companies and the implementation of sustainability roadmaps.

At the European SDG Roundtable “The State of the Union on Sustainable Industry”, taking place online on 11 October at 09:30-11:00 CET, CSR Europe and V.E., part of Moody's ESG Solutions, will present in exclusive the results of the first-ever European Sustainable Industry Barometer. The Barometer provides a unique view into the level of maturity of European Industry Federations on sustainability issues that are further contextualized with data on ESG, SDG, and Climate performance.

The Barometer is the key benchmarking tool of the European Pact for Sustainable Industry, launched in 2020 and aimed at scaling up the impact of individual efforts made by companies, industry federations, and EU leaders towards a Sustainable Europe 2030.

Guest speakers of the session include Keeran Gwilliam-Beeharee, Executive Director at V.E.; Ulla Engelmann, Head of Industrial Forums, Alliances, Clusters at DG GROW of the European Commission; Christine Mayer, Team Leader at Eurostat; Debora Revoltella Chief Economist and Director of the Economics Department at European Investment Bank; Nirmalya Banerjee, Managing Partner and Industry Advisor at TATA Consulting Service.

The audience will also have the opportunity to learn about the efforts made by the Industry Federations that are members of the European Pact for Sustainable Industry, like European Aluminium, the European Fruit Juice Association, the Responsible Jewellery Council, the Cobalt Institute, and ACE Packaging. In a panel discussion, they will share the challenges and successes in their journey to integrate sustainability in their sector.

The Roundtable is part of the European SDG Summit 2021, taking place online from 11-14 October. The Summit will bring together 5000+ Sustainability Leaders in 4 High-Level plenaries and 26 European and National SDG Roundtables to accelerate the journey towards climate neutrality and the adoption of an inclusive approach to the green and digital transition. The event is open and free for everyone. You can register here to have access to all the 30 sessions in programme.


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