CSR Europe

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What is the Role of ESG Assessments in Measuring Impact?

CSR Europe corporate members are invited to join the 2-session atelier on how to measure effectively ESG impact and how to use ESG assessment.

Looming climate change, biodiversity loss, and growing inequalities have heightened stakeholders’ expectations towards companies’ impact on the planet and society. In a landscape of increasingly strict regulatory frameworks - particularly in the EU with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation, and the Taxonomy Regulation – how companies can effectively measure their ESG impact? How to align with investors’ expectations?  And what internal tools should be used before communicating it externally?

To find out, CSR Europe corporate members are invited to join the 2-session atelier on how to measure effectively ESG impact and how to use ESG assessment. CSR Europe will guide company representatives through the latest trends and regulations to enhance each company’s narrative towards internal and external stakeholders, including investors, governments, and NGOs.

  1. ”Measuring ESG Impact” on 27th May.

    In this first session, Vigeo Eiris will share the latest data on ESG integration to kick-start the discussion on the different types of rating methodologies, scores, and ESG assessments. Companies will be divided into subgroups for a deeper dive into sector performance analysis. Afterward, we will focus on impact investing and share:

    • How investors read the data according to the new priorities and demands.

    • Key steps and methodologies used by analysts to assess companies’ performance, especially in relation to climate targets.

    Interested companies are encouraged to contact CSR Europe in advance, to share their priorities and receive the preparatory materials.

  2. Latest Trends in Corporate Sustainability Reporting” on 16th September.

In this second session, we will zoom in on new trends in reporting, heavily influenced by the recent introduction of the EU Taxonomy Regulation and the Sustainable Finance Reporting Directive, and the update of the Non-Financial Reporting Directive.

Corporate members’ participation in both Ateliers is strongly suggested. As a result of the atelier, companies will be able to take the lead on impact measurement and reporting and will contribute to shaping the discussion.


For more information:

Ilaria La Torre

Project Manager                                                                                        

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