CSR Europe

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Business Uniting Talents (BUT) 2030, A New Way Forward to Foster Ethnic Diversity & Inclusion

  • The Belgian pilot project hosted its closing event on 16th March at the Brussels Royal Palace, in the presence of His Majesty the King of the Belgians.

  • Building on the learnings of the Belgian pilot project, CSR Europe is now seeking companies for the launch of a new European collaborative platform to reduce inequalities in access to employment opportunities and build inclusive business models.

  • Join the platform presentation on 10 May.

On 16th March, the Belgian pilot project Business Uniting Talents (BUT)2030 ended with the high-level roundtable “Promoting business action on Ethnic Diversity” in the presence of His Majesty the King of the Belgians. The project, launched by CSR Europe in October 2020 in collaboration with the King Baudouin Foundation and the Prince Philippe Fund, created a framework to measure ethnic diversity within companies and promote cultural inclusion in the workplace concretely.

Spokespersons of the BUT2030 Employee Resource Group – made up of employees with non-EU backgrounds working for the participating companies - presented their recommendations to foster ethnic diversity and inclusion in the workplace to the CEOs of AXA Belgium, Janssen Pharmaceutica, Engie Belgium, Port of Antwerp, Telenet, L’Oréal Benelux, Solvay, AGC Glass Europe and representatives of Federgon, Comeos, Febelfin, Agoria, VBO, Unisoc, Unia, Essenscia, VOKA, and UWE.

Employer federations, on the other hand, adopted the statement “Way Forward Towards Ethnic D&I”, highlighting their willingness to raise awareness and integrate ethnic D&I into their work programme and become national ambassadors for inclusion.

Next Steps: From pilot project to collaborative platform

Building on the learnings and tools developed in the Belgian pilot project, CSR Europe will transform Business Uniting Talents 2030 into a European collaborative platform where leading companies can engage practically for the promotion of ethnic diversity and inclusion in the European labour market.

Interested companies are invited to join the webinar on 10 May to receive detailed information about the set-up of this upcoming collaborative platform.

For more information

Please contact Emanuela Pisanó,

Project Manager

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