CSR Europe is the leading European business network for Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility.

With our corporate members, National Partner Organisations (NPOs), and Associated Partners, we unite, inspire & support over 10,000 enterprises at local, European and global level.

We support businesses & industry sectors in their transformation and collaboration towards practical solutions and sustainable growth. We are for systemic change.

Following the SDGs, we want to co-build with the European leaders and stakeholders an overarching strategy for a Sustainable Europe 2030.



Business is key in providing innovative solutions for today’s challenges.

In Europe, business is uniquely placed to help create a world in which everyone can thrive through social, environmental, and economic progress.



  1. Increase the integration of sustainability into business models and management of companies.

  2. Be a platform for collaboration with stakeholders and a catalyst for innovation to build a sustainable and inclusive society in Europe and beyond.

  3. Engage with the European institutions about policy to drive the global sustainability agenda. 

  4. ​Be a business network that is recognised as a global leader.



CSR Europe’s 2030 Strategy is determined by our understanding of the main challenges faced by society: climate change; resource scarcity and geopolitics; the surge in transparency and privacy expectations; labour market transitions; rising protectionism; growing income inequality; the widespread adoption of digital technologies.

We need – with our members and stakeholders – to be ready to seize the positives of the trends and upcoming disruptions. This will allow companies to turn threats into opportunities.

The sustainability agenda towards 2030 is by necessity both a leadership and collaborative programme.

Leadership can only yield impact if systemic change and transformation of the entire ecosystem are envisaged.

CSR Europe’s work is focused on the three mechanisms of engagement for impact: Upskilling (Learning & Implementing), Upscaling (Collaboration), Influence (EU Influence).