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A Caucus to Forge Alliances for Just Transition

  • Toyota 60 Bourgetlaan Brussel, 1140 Belgium (map)


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Sustainability is at the core of the business and policy agenda. CSR Europe’s strong engagement towards the European Commission’s Multi-Stakeholder Platform on the SDGs contributed to shaping the European Green Deal: the engine for sustainability-related policy initiatives. Now, amidst the war in Ukraine and the energy and purchasing power crisis a deeper understanding of and need to act upon global dependences is emerging.

Just Transition and the “S” of ESG are now more important than ever. But how can companies and regulators achieve impact? By building alliances and deepening collaborations with stakeholders. No company or regulator alone can secure, for instance, employability, access to raw materials, or a circular economy.


CSR Europe is now taking the lead to equip its member with the tools, experience, and approaches to align sustainability leadership with business leadership. The CSR Europe 2023 Conference is a unique opportunity for members of the network to meet again in person and:

  • Explore how to work better with peers, stakeholders, and regulators on the Just Transition agenda

  • Shape alliances for a more sustainable impact

  • Learn about corporate actions and advocacy opportunities for an EU policy approach that engages with frontrunning companies as allies.

  • Dialogue with key stakeholders and EU leaders who - in support of and beyond the avalanche of new EU sustainability regulations - will have the immense task of drastically investing in awareness-raising and capacity-building activities and collaborations for resilient workforces, customers, communities, and supply chains.

In the spirit of the conference – aimed at building sustainability alliances for Just Transition - CSR Europe members have the unique opportunity to bring to the event 1 C-level person/head of sustainability of a company of their choice – e.g., from a supplier or other relevant company – that you think might be interested in the added value of engaging with CSR Europe and its network.


Members’ ideas, expectations, and concerns will be considered by CSR Europe’s Board of Directors and Leadership Hubs for the development of CSR Europe’s policy position towards the new EU leadership, which will be elected in Spring 2024.

Who should join?

  • Corporate Members

  • National Partner Organisations

  • Business representatives selected by CSR Europe members


Morris Massarutto