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ATELIER - Addressing the Needs of the Employee 3.0

Closed Event-Corporate Members Only

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The COVID-19 pandemic undoubtedly left lasting marks in the workplace, from the “Great Resignation” to “Quiet Quitting” businesses are facing low employee morale, decreased efficiency, high turnover and diminishing customer satisfaction.

Inside companies, as a consequence, Employee 3.0 emerges with new needs and expectations, requiring business leaders to reconsider their approach to people, leadership and HR functions. According to PwC’s Workforce Hopes and Fears 2022 Survey, 65% of workers across 144 countries demand higher employers’ transparency, more safety and attention to social issues.

Outside companies, European policymakers are pushing for a “Social Green Deal” that recognizes the centrality of people in the journey to net-zero and the need for an inclusive “Just Transition”. As a result, the upcoming European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) will not only cover the environmental aspect but also the social dimension, including the company’s workforce, supply chain, as well as communities and consumers. Depending on the size and type of business, these standards will become effective and mandatory for companies as soon as 2024.

The PEOPLE Atelier series “Get Ready for the Employee 3.0 & the Social Standards” will provide CSR Europe corporate members with insights on how to manage and retain the Employee 3.0. Via the organization of three thematic webinars, we will define the new type of leadership and company culture needed, the purpose of the HR function, and how to navigate the ESRS and prepare for the implementation of Social Sustainability Reporting.

The purpose of the first Atelier “Addressing the needs of the Employee 3.0”, is to explore common challenges, share best practices of corporate members and to co-design new strategies that put people at the center of business transformation and help establishing a culture of belonging.

Join this atelier to:

  • Discover the needs of “Employee 3.0” and the benefits of a culture of belonging.

  • Explore some facts and figures when it comes to economic impact of lack of employee engagement.

  • Learn what are the ingredients (behaviours, structures and processes, skills ) needed to establish a “culture of belonging”.


  • CSR and HR Managers.

  • Business Leaders

  • Policymakers.



Irene Paoletti