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ATELIER - Corporate Transparency for Social Impact: Safeguarding Consumers & Combatting Greenwashing


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This is the second session of the 2024 Atelier seriesReporting on Social Performance”. Following the previous one in April on Measuring & Reporting Social Impact, this session will move further the discussion on reporting and disclosing information from businesses towards consumers and the impact it might have.

In recent years, corporate transparency has emerged as a critical component of responsible business conduct, particularly in the context of safeguarding consumers and combatting greenwashing. As consumers increasingly demand transparency and accountability from businesses, there is a growing need for companies to demonstrate authenticity and integrity in their sustainability claims. This online Atelier aims to explore the role of corporate transparency in safeguarding consumers and addressing the challenge of greenwashing, ultimately driving positive social impact.

This session will examine the importance of corporate transparency in building consumer trust, as well as the impact of greenwashing on consumer perceptions and the environment. Speakers will share their views on the topic and how better communication practices and reporting mechanisms can aid the combat of greenwashing. The session will discuss the upcoming EU Green Claims Directive, as well as look at greenwashing from the assurance perspective and share some insights on the upcoming auditing requirements according to the CSRD. Therefore, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the role of corporate transparency in safeguarding consumers and combatting greenwashing, as well as actionable insights for enhancing transparency efforts within their organisations and beyond.


  • Get insights on the regulatory landscape regarding greenwashing in Europe

  • Receive insights on the development of the assurance element in sustainability reporting

  • Learn from other business peers on how they are dealing with safeguarding consumers and greenwashing

  • Listen to invited experts, stakeholders and policymakers about expectations and good practices


  • Sustainability Managers

  • Reporting Officers

  • Public Affairs Managers

  • Communication Specialists

  • Finance & Audit Officers


For more information:

Spyros Perikleous, Senior Project Manager