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ATELIER - Decarbonising Supply Chains: Businesses’ Engagement with Suppliers

Closed Event-Corporate Members Only

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This is the first of a two-part Atelier series on “Engaging with Key Stakeholders across Value Chains to Accelerate Decarbonisation ”. 

Decarbonisation, net-zero or carbon neutrality - numerous concepts describe business efforts to reduce emissions in support of the Paris Agreement’s target to achieve carbon neutral by 2050.

In their journey companies face different challenges:

  1. For many businesses the majority of emissions are so-called Scope 3 emissions, indirect emissions that are located in an organisation’s value chains chain.

  2. Increasing requirements and expectations for businesses to reduce emissions and a broad landscape of initiatives and approaches to meet these.

  3. Different maturities along supply chains and the need for new solutions

  4. Global supply chains spanning different actors and industries.

The purpose of this Atelier is to:

  • Connect key stakeholders and nurture closer interaction across industries.

  • Take stock of the status quo, discuss challenges & potential solutions.

  • Share experiences and best practices, success stories and learnings

Through this Atelier the participating companies will be able to analyse the  management of Scope 3 emissions and get exposed to innovative approaches to supplier engagement on decarbonization.


join this Atelier to:

  • Get an in-depth learning experience in a closed environment and in exchange with peers.  

  • Get insights and discuss the supplier perspective on supply chain engagement on decarbonisation.

  • Partecipate in a tour de table with members and their suppliers to map an ideal collaboration picture, the current status quo including success/failure factors for the decarbonisation practices.



  • Procurement, sustainability/CSR, climate business experts (engaged in supply chain emission mapping and reduction efforts).

  • Company practitioners that want to develop a deeper understanding and skills related to climate protection, especially through exchange with peers.

  • Company practitioners that seek to engage in cross-sector initiatives and look for collaborative solutions.



Marianne Kropf

Senior Specialist, Carbon Neutrality and Sustainable Supply Chains