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ATELIER - Developing a People-Centred Approach to the Workforce pt. 2


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This is the second of a three-part Atelier series dedicated to “Developing a People-Centred Approach to the Workforce”.

Over the course of three sessions, we will share with our corporate members a series of best practices and tools to effectively develop a people-centred approach to the workforce. As a result, participants will be able to rethink their current HR strategies to make them more people-oriented and future-proof for the Just Transition.   

This second session focuses on how COVID-19 has transformed work and has enormous pressure on corporates and HR departments in this reorganization.

As hybrid working is here to stay, corporates need to rethink their company cultures and adapt strategies to make them more people-centred. Furthermore, the connection between HR, managers, and employees has never been so essential and puts a focus on the role of leadership in “caring for the workforce”. Employee retention is an overarching challenge that creates the need to actively involve employees in shaping strategies while also implying a focus on wellbeing as well as investment in education and training so that employees remain employable and can find purpose in their jobs in this hybrid world.

The results of the HR Readiness Tool for an Inclusive Transition will be shared and participants will receive an individual company report.



  • Exchange on the challenges to develop a people-centred approach to the workforce.

  • Learn about how to “care for your workforce” by implementing a responsible leadership culture that takes into account well-being and employability.

  • Explore what the three-part People Atelier Series are all about and how you can benefit from the HR Readiness Tool for Inclusive Transition.


Who should join:

  • CSR Europe Corporate Members.



For more information:

Lisa Simons

Project Manager