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WEBINAR - CSR Europe & EFRAG Joint Workshop on SMEs Standards

EFRAG SMEs Sustainability Standards


Draft Agenda

Following the publication of the European Commission’s Delegated Act on the first set of European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) on 31 July 2023, large companies will be asked to report in compliance with the ESRS starting from January 2024.

The European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) is now working on Sustainability Standards for SMEs. In particular, EFRAG is asking selected stakeholders to provide useful feedback for the draft standards for SMEs, mandatory (for listed SMEs) and voluntary.

This event represents an opportunity for both large companies and National Partner Organizations to provide feedback and contribute to the development of the draft standards for SMEs, mandatory (for listed SMEs) and voluntary.

The objective of this workshop is to provide useful information for all and to exchange views, opinions, and expertise to balance needs and expectations between large undertakings and SMEs, that are preparing and disclosing sustainability-related data and information.


  • Better understand and give your feedback on the draft EFRAG LSME & VSME.

  • Make your voice heard through an ad hoc questionnaire that you will receive ahead of the meeting.

  • Receive first-hand information on the upcoming draft of new standards.

Who should join?

  • CSR Sustainability Managers

  • Reporting Officers

  • Procurement Officers