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EU UPDATE & ATELIER - The European Sustainability Reporting Standards


Please note that NPOs can attend only the EU Update webinar (10:00-11:00 CET) while Corporate Members can attend both sessions.

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In the context of the European Green Deal and its climate neutrality targets, the introduction of clear and pragmatic sustainability reporting standards is extremely important to shape a transparent and sustainable economy.

With the publication on 21 April 2021 of the legislative proposal for a Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) which would oblige large companies to report in compliance with European sustainability reporting standards (ESRS), the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group has been tasked with the drafting of these.

The exposure drafts of the ESRS have been released on 29 April 2022, and are 13 standards covering environmental, social and governance matters. In the months to come, EFRAG will publish also sector-specific standards and standards for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Due in June 2023 and June 2024, the ESRS will need to respond to the needs of companies, which will face important challenges when working towards compliance. Reporting through Europe-wide standards should allow companies to report and disclose without useless complications.

For this special occasion, given the relevancy of the topic, we decided to host the EU Update Webinar (open to NPOs & corporate members) and the third part of the Markets Atelier series (open to Corporate Members only) on the European Sustainability Reporting Standards on the same day and as part of the same event, to set the policy context and to allow informed collaboration during the second part of the event.


  • Receive insights into the European Commission’s proposal on Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive and the European Sustainability Reporting Standards.

  • Listen to policymakers and business leaders on their feedback and perspectives on how to efficiently get ready for the entry into force of this new piece of legislation.

  • Atelier-specific: receive practical guidance on the use of specific reporting standards.


  • Members of cross-functional taskforces

  • CSR/Sustainability Managers

  • EU and Governmental Affairs Officers

  • Reporting Officer

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