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EUROPEAN ROUNDTABLE: Corporate Action for Tax Responsibility

Governments and regulatory bodies worldwide are tightening regulations to ensure that corporations pay their fair share of taxes and contribute to the economic and social well-being of the communities in which they operate. This heightened scrutiny is coupled with increasing demands from investors, civil society, and the public for greater transparency and responsibility in corporate tax practices. To support companies in adopting responsible business practices and meet stakeholders’ expectations, CSR Europe and Fair Tax Foundation co-developed the Tax Responsibility & Transparency Index. This tool aims to help companies navigate these complexities, benchmark their practices, and enhance their transparency.

This roundtable aims to provide participants with the latest insights on the tax responsibility agenda and how companies could adopt responsible tax conduct. Together with the Fair Tax Foundation, CSR Europe will guide participants on the newly developed Tax Responsibility & Transparency Index and how companies could benefit from utilizing it.

Moreover, given the importance of engaging in peer learning and stakeholder dialogues to understand how your company can progress and meet expectations, CSR Europe is initiating a new learning platform on tax responsibility. During this roundtable, participants will learn more about the platform and why they should consider joining.


  • Learn more about responsible business conduct and why your company needs to embrace it

  • Discover what the expectations of stakeholders are and the upcoming regulatory requirements on tax transparency.

  • Find out how your company can benefit from utilising the Tax Responsibility & Transparency Index.