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HIGH-LEVEL PLENARY - For Climate Action & a Just Transition

For Climate Action and a Just Transition

We are addressing the following SDGs:


In the face of a climate crisis and weakened social cohesion, the European SDG Summit 2021 calls for renewed ambition, mobilisation, leadership, and collective action to build a prosperous and inclusive society while pursuing a green, and digital transition.

2020 has bluntly forced the world to recognize the need to accelerate the journey towards climate neutrality and the urgency for the adoption of an inclusive approach to the green, digital, and demographic transition. The pandemic and its fallout exposed deep divisions within society, affecting the most vulnerable people. Already in 2015, the Paris Agreement recognized how shifting towards a resilient, carbon-neutral, digital economy would boost prosperity and drive net job creation in the long-term. However, for this transition to succeed, climate action needs to go hand in hand with social justice. In this context, businesses have a key responsibility and role to play to embed societal concerns in their governance, priorities, models and in their approach to investments and finance.

Business transformation requires more than individual company efforts. Sector collaborations, impact-oriented actions and new forms of PPPs are key to bring change in our ecosystems and to enhance the livelihoods of citizens, workers and consumers. This is what the European Pact for Sustainable Industry is all about: a duty to collaborate within and between all industry sectors and federations to make the European Green Deal and the UN SDGs a success.

Ahead of the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), the Summit is the last milestone for business leaders, policymakers, and champions of civil society to unite their forces to make the European Green Deal, its climate strategy and Pact a cornerstone of the global effort against climate change and social exclusion.


  • Interact with leaders sharing how they transform their organisation and manage the climate transition through the proximity with and the continuous empowerment of employees, suppliers, investors, consumers, and communities.

  • Discover Moody’s VigeoEiris presenting with CSR Europe the 1st European Sustainable Industry Barometer on the sustainability and climate performance of European industry sectors and federations, demonstrating also where additional collaborative and policy efforts are needed.

  • Get to know EU leaders providing a State of the Union on Climate Action and Just Transition.

  • Foster a true sustainability culture within your enterprise, your industry federation, your collaboration with business and investors or your European policy agenda.


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This event is part of the track “Sustainable Raw Materials & Value Chains” of the European SDG Summit 2021.