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HIGH-LEVEL SESSION - For an Inclusive Green Deal


We are addressing the following SDGs:



Ahead of the European SDG Summit 2022, Ilham Kadri, CEO Solvay and Chair of the CSR Europe Advisory Board, together with Étienne Davignon, CSR Europe President and former vice-president of the European Commission, and Nicolas Schmit, European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, will co-host the high-level session “For an Inclusive Green Deal” in Bruxelles.

This High-level Session will be a unique opportunity to:

  • See the pre-launch of the second edition of the European Sustainable Industry Barometer – developed in collaboration with Moody’s ESG Solutions – and the European Business Roadmap for Just Transition.

  • Acquire a more complete view on how the EU and its 27 Member States, Investors’ Alliances, and Business Coalitions are currently designing and implementing Just Transition strategies, guidelines, and collaborations at international, European and local level.

  • Help CSR Europe, the European Commission, and the Leaders Hub to build a wider EU Business Alliance for Just Transition and incubate sector, cross-sector and public-private partnerships that can scale up Just Transition impacts at the level of territories and local ecosystems.

Parts of the event will be recorded and edited to be streamlined at the European SDG Summit during the Plenary Session on 10 October 2022.