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European SDG Roundtable - Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Corporate Sustainability


In nature, all animals, plants and elements work together in an ecosystem to survive and thrive. This balance, however, is currently disrupted by the rapid loss of biodiversity, caused by industrial activity, mono-culture, loss of natural habitats and global warming.

Businesses and industries have a key role to play in supporting the delivery of biodiversity-explicit SDG targets, notably SDG 14 (Life below water) and SDG 15 (Life on land).

With a growing demand from investors for companies to manage the biodiversity impacts of their activities, the challenge for businesses is how to incorporate biodiversity considerations into the design and implementation of business practices and mainstream biodiversity in corporate decision-making.

The European Investment Bank (EIB), as a public bank, has an important role in boost investment in biodiversity, engaging with multiple stakeholders, including companies and other investors.

This European SDG Roundtable, organised under the umbrella of the European SDG Summit, will look into the role of public financiers in driving corporate action on biodiversity and explore the challenges, opportunities, and solutions to mainstream biodiversity in corporate decision-making.


  • Discover how companies manage their impact on biodiversity, and how biodiversity is being incorporated into risk management;

  • Learn what investors expect from companies in terms of managing and mitigating biodiversity impact of their activities;

  • Discuss what the challenges of mainstreaming biodiversity in corporate decision-making are, and what tools are available to to overcome these challenges.

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