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Sustainability Leadership Salon 2/2

CSR Europe's Sustainability Leadership Salon


Co-organised with GlobeScan

Draft Agenda

On 14th November, CSR Europe is convening in Brussels representatives of its Leadership Hubs’ member companies, and high-level representatives of the European Commission for the second Sustainability Leadership Salon. The event, co-organised with GlobeScan and hosted by Solvay, builds upon the learnings of the first Sustainability Leadership Salon and CSR Europe Conference to further advance on a Business Manifesto for a Social Green Deal 2024-2029.

Amidst the ongoing avalanche of sustainability policy proposals, participants will address the following questions:

  • How can the European Green Deal grow into a European Social Green Deal that engages with committed enterprises as allies?

  • How can the EU build a Marshall plan that will make sustainability a competitive advantage for small, medium and large enterprises and affordable for all citizens?

Following the Salon, CSR Europe in consultation with all its corporate members and its national partner organizations will finalize the Business Manifesto for a Social Green Deal 2024-2029. The policy paper will be presented to the outgoing European Commission President, Ursula Von Der Leyen, members of the European Parliament, as well as to the Spanish, Belgian, and Hungarian EU Presidencies of the Council of the EU. After the European elections of June 2024, CSR Europe will also share the Manifesto with the newly elected EU leaders.


Morris Massarutto