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WEBINAR - CSR Europe's Members Consultation on its Policy Proposals

CSR Europe's Policy Proposal EU Sustainability Strategy 2024-2029


The next frontier of the EU Sustainability Strategy 2024-2029: Your voice counts!

While more and more enterprises must cope with fast-paced societal evolutions, geopolitical shifts, the rise in natural crises and inequalities, or disruptive AI innovations, the EU is raising high expectations on corporate sustainability reporting and due diligence.

It is in this context, and with the upcoming European elections, that the Board of CSR Europe is planning to hand over to the EU leaders, in Q1 2024, a narrative with strategic direction and policy proposals on how to roll out the EU Green Deal – to the next level, with a strong focus on industry and citizens.

To get there, all Corporate Members and National Partner Organizations of CSR Europe are invited to unite their proactive voices, expectations, and concerns at this webinar on 6 December. A draft will be submitted beforehand. The consultation for further feedback will stay open until the 21st of December.


  • CSR Europe’s Corporate Members

  • CSR Europe’s National Partner Organizations

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