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WEBINAR - ESG Metrics in Business & Investment Decisions

ESG metrics


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The event will explore climate impact measurement from a business and investment perspective, providing participants with an overview of the integration of ESG metrics in both corporate strategy and financial investment decision-making.

In the first part of the webinar, participating companies will present their experience and best practices in integrating ESG criteria into their strategy, investment decision, and reporting.

While in the second part, we will hear from experts how science is offering guidance to help companies to align with 2˚C pathways and how financial institutions have integrated these methodologies to make their landing and investing portfolio Paris-aligned.

This event opens the webinar series that CSR Europe will organize in 2021 on the topic of “Financing the future for a green and inclusive Europe”.

Join this webinar to:

  • Discover what is the purpose of impact measurement for corporations and how it is used to drive internal business decisions towards decarbonization.

  • Learn how financial institutions integrate ESG standards into their investment decisions.

  • Understand what type of ESG data investors consider before making an investment.

  • Discover how Chief Financial Officers can align the company’s internal organization around ESG priorities.

Who should join:

  • CSR/Sustainability managers

  • Non-Financial Reporting & Investor Relations managers

  • Investors

  • Representatives from business sectors

For more information:

Marco Matrisciano,

Project Manager