CSR Europe, in collaboration with Edelman, is currently running the communication campaign for a European Pact for Sustainable Industry to invigorate leadership and engagement towards a Sustainable Europe 2030.
Why a campaign?
Because we all have a DUTY TO COLLABORATE constructively, actively and on an ongoing basis to:
Care about people’s health, families, jobs, and environment;
Increase the resilience of enterprises and support new forms of leadership, entrepreneurship that creates value to society
Achieve the UN SDGs and innovate economic activities within a socially inclusive, just, climate transition.
Join this webinar to discover:
How you can join the campaign and make your voice heard (spoiler alert: it is free and open to everyone)
The social media toolkit we have prepared to mainstream the ongoing/planned collaborative actions undertaken to reach the SDGs
The next steps of the campaign leading to the European SDG Summit on 26-30 October
Who should join:
The CSR Europe network of Corporate Members, National Partner Organisations
Companies who want to foster a true sustainability culture
Industry Federations who have the ambition to develop and implement a holistic sustainability strategy, setting the direction for all the enterprises operating in the sector