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WEBINAR - Informed Sourcing Decisions Towards a Sustainable Raw Materials Supply Chain


The event is open to CSR Europe members and sector initiatives and associations.


CSR Europe’s best-known project is Drive Sustainability, a partnership of leading automotive companies, created to drive the automotive sector towards a circular and sustainable value chain..

In 2018, Drive Sustainability, in collaboration with RMI and TDI Sustainability, launched the Material Change Report, a study on environmental, social and governance issues related to raw materials supply chains in the automotive and the electronics industry.

Now, CSR Europe and TDI Sustainability are ready to move forward and convert and further elaborate the Material Change Report into a fully interactive online ‘knowledge platform’.

The core idea is to have a central platform that will not only enable companies and initiatives from different sectors to conform with due diligence expectations, but also to provide information on opportunities for positive engagement within supply chains and demonstrate contributions to sustainable development upstream.

The platform will also allow different companies and sectors to engage on ways to mitigate risks and explore countermeasures. The ability to pool resources, ideas, and massively reduce the cost of compliance and engagement will be key.


In this webinar, we invite companies, sector initiatives and sector associations to discuss the challenges related to making informed raw materials sourcing decisions and to collectively analyse solutions to overcome these challenges. This Webinar is a part of CSR Europe’s Community of Practice on ‘Beyond Due Diligence’. It is specifically directed to industry associations and initiatives. Companies can also join in.


  • Discuss challenges to implement responsible sourcing practices with sector initiatives, industry associations and company representatives

  • Identify critical issues and topics that should be covered by the platform

  • Explore possibilities of engagement in the development of the knowledge platform

  • Share common learning opportunities


CSR Europe members, sector initiatives and companies.



The event is for CSR Europe members-only.