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WORKSHOP: Business-Donor Partnerships for Inclusive Economic Development


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In June 2021, G7 leaders committed to launch a values-driven, high-standard and transparent partnership to meet global SDG needs through the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment. In line with this commitment, the UK’s British Investment Partnerships and the EU’s Global Gateway are working to narrow the global investment gap and drive sustainable development and green growth by unlocking financing, expertise, technology and innovation. Meeting this objective requires the concerted effort, long-term partnership and global coordination of like-minded partners from government, business, think tanks and civil society.

This private workshop, hosted by the UK Government’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), in partnership with Business Fights Poverty and CSR Europe, will explore how private sector capital, capacity and resources can be best leveraged to meet the SDGs.

Participants will have the opportunity to engage with policy officials and peers from business, deepen their understanding of UK and EU priorities and identify opportunities to collaborate.

The following questions will be discussed during the breakout table discussions:

  1. What innovative models of partnership between the private sector, governments, and civil society can be developed to effectively channel private capital towards the SDGs?

  2. How can we scale up private sector investment in sustainable infrastructure in a way that is both profitable for investors and contributes to the SDGs?

  3. In what ways can technology and innovation be harnessed to attract private-sector investment and meet the SDGs?

For more information:

Stefan Crets