CSR Europe is an international not-for-profit organisation under Belgian law (AISBL). 

The internal regulations of CSR Europe have been approved by the Board on 26 May 2021.



Etienne Davignon - CSR Europe's President and Minister of State

Etienne Davignon

Minister of State


Board of directors

The Board of Directors determine the organisation's strategic direction. It also appoints an Executive Director who is entrusted with the daily management of the organisation and the execution of Board decisions.

The Board is currently made up of 8 individuals representing corporate members and 2 individuals representing National Partner Organisations.

In line with CSR Europe’s by-laws, CSR Europe's Board of Directors was renewed in June 2022 and currently consists of 10 members.

Filippo Bettini

Chair of the Board


Monica Perez Lobo - CSR Europe's Vice Chair of the Board of Directors

Monica Perez Lobo

Vice Chair of the Board

Toyota Motor Europe

Wouter Vermeulen - CSR Europe's Vice Chair of the Board of Directors

Wouter Vermeulen

Vice Chair of the Board

The Coca-Cola Company


Members of the Board


General assembly

The General Assembly meets once a year to:

  • Review CSR Europe's annual progress

  • Approve the budget and financial report

  • Take decisions about the organisation's work.

Every corporate member and National Partner Organisations (NPOs) has one representative at the General Assembly and is entitled to nominate candidates for the Board of Directors.