2-Day Workshop for Corporate Members to Meet Upcoming EU Sustainability Requirements


CSR Europe corporate members interested in accelerating their compliance with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D) are invited to join the 2-day workshops which will take place in Brussels on 15-16 October 2024.

Day 1 | Stakeholders Engagement within the CSRD and CS3D Frameworks

On 15 October, from 14:00 -18:00 CET, CSR Europe will guide its members on how to effectively engage with the four identified stakeholders of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) section on Social Matters: Own Workforce, Workers in the Value Chain, Communities, and Consumers. The Atelier will bring together companies, experts’ organizations, and policymakers, to discuss current challenges, approaches, and practices for developing more impactful policies, actions, and meaningful engagement with affected stakeholder groups. As the third session in the “Reporting on Social Performance” series, this practical workshop will help members better understand the coherence and linkages between the requirements of both the CSRD and the CS3D, facilitating the implementation of a solid reporting strategy.  View agenda and register here.

Day 2 | Implementing Risk Mitigation and Impact Remediation in the CS3D

On 16 October, from 09:00 -14:00 CET, CSR Europe will explore concrete practices for risk mitigation and impact remediation, which constitute the third and fourth steps outlined by the EU Corporate Due Diligence Directive.

Representatives of the European Commission and civil society organisations will provide CSR Europe corporate members with key insights and discuss measures and solutions for drawing up and executing mitigation and remediation action plans, as well as for shaping grievance mechanisms to effectively restore complaint rights. This event is the third in the “Due Diligence in Action” series. View agenda and register here.

Members are strongly encouraged to attend both sessions. This will enable them to take a holistic approach to the topics and exchange views on the main challenges and processes required for their practical implementation.

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