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Coca Cola: Why Europe’s Rules on Protecting our Water Are Working – And Why We Should Stick With Them.

There has never been a greater need for us to protect and restore our freshwater resources in Europe. We need freshwater to survive. Yet 60% of the EU’s rivers, lakes, streams and wetlands are not healthy enough to support people and nature.

Since 1970, there has been an alarming 83% fall in animal species that live in freshwater, demonstrating the huge pressure on our ecosystems and the need to support them. Globally, the World Resources Institute estimates that half the world’s population is now at risk from water scarcity and pollution. And in the future, floods, forest fires and water stress are set to get worse. 

Right now, as Europe battles the coronavirus pandemic - which has put a strain on many of our societies and activities - we are reminded of our utter dependence on our natural world, including water. We need to protect and restore our freshwater resources.  And a key tool in doing that is to have robust and effective legislation in place. 

That’s why Coca-Cola and two of its biggest bottling partners in Europe (Coca-Cola European Partners and Coca-Cola Hellenic) along with 20 other companies have signed a joint business statement to support the existing legislation that is already in place.

We are standing behind the 375,000 European citizens who have called upon the European Commission – and governments across the EU – to maintain the EU’s Water Framework Directive in its current form. We want to see this Directive kept intact and fully implemented and enforced, as called for by numerous environmental groups through the #ProtectWater campaign.

This EU wide law is vital. It sets a much-needed deadline for us to protect and restore Europe’s freshwater ecosystems by 2027. It has set out clear rules for the protection of promotion of sustainable water management for both, surface water and groundwater. It has also provided a stable regulatory framework that improves governance, not just for business, but for all those that depend on clean water and need the social and environmental stability that healthy rivers provide.

The Directive has also encouraged businesses to mobilize and take collective action to improve our river basins, as well as promoting public and stakeholder engagement in water management. In fact, India and China, have been so inspired by the governance model provided by this European Directive, they have adopted similar principles when drafting their own legislation.

The EU cannot and must not change the current legal requirements of the Water Framework Directive.  The rules are working and we should stick with them. We urge other businesses to join us in making their voices heard on this important issue.  Please contact us here to sign up or to get for more information. 

Author: Coca Cola EU Dialogue