CSR Europe

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A Fairytale to Grow Sustainability-Driven Citizens: The initiative of CSR Cyprus

Marinos Voukis, President of CSR Cyprus, has created a fairytale to introduce primary and secondary school pupils (6-14 years old) to the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

The book, titled Save Our World and the Future Generations: A Story About Sustainability,” is currently available in Greek, free of charge, in printed, digital, and audio formats. It has also been approved by the Cypriot Ministry of Education and is included in the list of resources teachers can use in the classroom.

To spread the message of sustainability to young people across the EU, he is now looking to translate the story into many different languages and offer it free of charge on a dedicated website.

To cover the translation costs, CSR Cyprus is currently looking for funding opportunities. If you are interested in contributing to fostering sustainability mindsets among younger generations, as emphasized also recently by European Commission President Von der Leyen in the Political Guidelines 2024-2029, “Europe’s Choice”, contact Marinos Voukis (marinos.voukis@cut.ac.cy).


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