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ArcelorMittal's Integrated Annual Report 2020

The 2020 Integrated Annual Review “Inventing Smarter Steels for a Better World” underpins ArcelorMittal’s commitment to transparent reporting. It has been produced in line with the International Integrated Reporting Council’s framework, the Global Reporting Index Sustainability Reporting Standards 2016, the United Nations Global Compact, the European Union’s Directive 2014/95/EU on non-financial reporting, and the Sustainability Accounting Standards.

The review outlines ArcelorMittal’s performance and ambitions across the following areas:

  • Health and safety: the pandemic had a profound impact on many countries around the world and disrupted the lives of millions of people, but ArcelorMittal managed to take care of its employees and keep its plants running, despite the very difficult environment.

  • Delivering financial value: the company is today well placed, benefitting from the work it has undertaken in recent years to improve its competitive and financial position, and from the tangible improvement seen in its operating environment as its markets and customers recover from the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

  • Innovating smarter steels and solutions: ArcelorMittal operates 12 research and development sites around the world and invested $245million in R&D during 2020. From construction to food packaging to mobility, advances in technology are helping the Company find ways to create stronger, lighter, more cost-effective, and more sustainable products – what is called smarter steels for a better world.

  • Driving environmental and social sustainability: if the pandemic has proved anything it is that the spotlight on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues is only getting brighter. The biggest step took by the Company in 2020 was a new global commitment to reach net-zero by 2050.

The review demonstrates the Company’s approach to ensuring it brings long-term, sustainable value to its broad stakeholder base.

Read ArcelorMittal`s 2020 Integrated Annual Review here

The disclosure of non-financial information can be daunting, but CSR Europe can support your company in mastering its sustainability reporting.

Our Sustainability Report Review service includes:

  • A detailed examination and evaluation of your company’s CSR, ESG, Integrated and/or Sustainability Report against a set of principles that cover both format and content criteria based on the reporting frameworks of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC).

  • An analysis of the best performing areas as well as the areas in reporting practices that can be improved and/or enhanced is provided.

  • Tailor-made recommendations and suggestions that you can use to improve the most challenging areas in the company’s reporting exercise.

  • Exemplary best practices from other organisations to give you a more practical understanding of how a specific topic can be disclosed.

This service is aligned with the upcoming EU policy developments in relation to non-financial disclosure. 

For more information:

Spyros Perikleous

Project Manager, Sustainability Management

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