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BBVA’s 2020 Annual Report

BBVA is a bank guided by the purpose of "bringing the age of opportunity to everyone." A purpose that seeks to have a positive impact on the lives of individuals, businesses, and society as a whole.

BBVA's firm and long-term commitment to sustainability is perhaps one of the clearest ways of achieving this purpose, and as it has already been mentioned, “helping our clients transition towards a sustainable future is one of the six Bank’s strategic priorities, which is implemented through two ways: climate action and inclusive growth.”

During 2020, BBVA has continued to integrate sustainability transversally in management and internal processes and also in the relationship with clients and other stakeholders, highlighting milestones such as the approval of the General Sustainability Policy, the creation of the Global Sustainability Office (hereinafter the GSO) or the publication of the Group's first TCFD report.

Check BBVA’s 2020 Annual Report

The disclosure of non-financial information can be daunting, but CSR Europe can support your company in mastering its sustainability reporting.

Our Sustainability Report Review service includes:

  • A detailed examination and evaluation of your company’s CSR, ESG, Integrated and/or Sustainability Report against a set of principles that cover both format and content criteria based on the reporting frameworks of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC).

  • An analysis of the best performing areas as well as the areas in reporting practices that can be improved and/or enhanced is provided.

  • Tailor-made recommendations and suggestions that you can use to improve the most challenging areas in the company’s reporting exercise.

  • Exemplary best practices from other organisations to give you a more practical understanding of how a specific topic can be disclosed.

This service is aligned with the upcoming EU policy developments in relation to non-financial disclosure.


For more information:

Spyros Perikleous

Project Manager, Sustainability Management

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