CSR Europe

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Business Leaders Join Forces with the Commission for and Inclusive Green Deal

  • On 6 September, CSR Europe is welcoming to Brussels the EU Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, Nicolas Schmit, and CEOs of leading companies for a high-level session aimed at building a wider EU Business Alliance for Just Transition.

  • The closed event takes place in the framework of CSR Europe’s People Leaders Hub.

On 6 September, CSR Europe is convening CEOs of leading companies in Brussels in a first step towards the creation of a wider EU Business Alliance for Just Transition. The closed event will be co-hosted by Étienne Davignon, CSR Europe President and former Vice-President of the European Commission, together with Nicolas Schmit, European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, and Ilham Kadri, CEO Solvay and Chair of the CSR Europe Advisory Board. The session takes place in the framework of CSR Europe’s People Leaders Hub for an inclusive Green Deal.

Businesses are uniquely positioned to contribute to the European Commission’s effort towards climate neutrality by improving workers’ mobility, costumers’ access to green products, suppliers’ governance, and communities’ resiliency. However, the road to social fairness is full of hurdles due to the lack of data comparability and accountability on the social dimension of the ESG. To overcome these challenges, CSR Europe will pre-launch at the meeting the People Leaders Hub’s “Businesses for Just Transition”, a compass for business action that includes:

  • The European Sustainable Industry Barometer – in collaboration with Moody’s ESG Solutions

    The Barometer provides data on the sustainability level and maturity of European industry federations and companies, with a focus on the social dimension of their ESG efforts to demonstrate the progresses made and where additional efforts are needed.

  • The European Business Roadmap for Just Transition – in collaboration with the Boston Consulting Group.

    This document offers tangible support for the realization of a Just Transition, targeting purpose, strategy, foundation, and stakeholders.


Next Steps:

Stakeholders across Europe are invited to express their interest in joining the Hub’s efforts and contribute to the development of national and local Just Transition plans via sector and cross-sector public-private partnerships.

Organisations interested in “Business Leaders for a Just Transition” are invited to register for the opening plenary of the European SDG Summit, on 10 October 2022, when the document will be officially released.

For more information:

Emanuela Pisanò

Project Manager, Diversity & Inclusion

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