CSR Europe

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Coca-Cola: Water is Everyone's Business

Coca-Cola and two of its biggest bottling partners in Europe (Coca-Cola European Partners and Coca-Cola Hellenic), along with 20 other companies, signed the business statement “Water is Everyone’s business”. Standing with 375,000 European citizens, the statement calls for the EU governments and the European Commission to preserve the European Union’s Water Framework Directive, a key law that ensures freshwater ecosystems in Europe are protected and restored and water is sustainably managed.

Is your company interested to join? Contact Coca-Cola EU Dialogue for more information.

Natural resources, like water, are vital for businesses to survive and thrive. To ensure these natural resources are not depleted, a balanced ecosystem is of utmost importance. This balance, however, is currently disrupted by the rapid loss of biodiversity. What can your company do to protect the natural resources it needs to keep on thriving? We are working together with leading companies to:

  • Minimise the negative impacts on biodiversity

  • Maximise new business opportunities with nature-based solutions

Discover our work within the Collaborative Platform Biodiversity & Industry.