CSR Europe

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Corporate ESG Integration to Drive Decarbonisation

  • The adoption of Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) metrics can contribute to measure a company’s impact and identify the changes needed to reach the objectives of the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  • Register to the open webinar “ESG Metrics in Business & Investment Decisions” on 23 February for an overview of ESG metrics integration in both corporate strategy and investment decision-making.

Climate change threatens to transform our planet as we know it. The global rising of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by human actions can have disastrous outcomes, such as the displacement of two billion people due to rising ocean levels.

Now, more than ever, the integration of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards in business and investment decisions can be the key to this transformation.

For corporations, measuring and demonstrating their impact on society and the environment is becoming essential to show their contribution to the global agenda but even more to secure funding. For financial institutions and investors, methodologies to calculate whether a company’s alignment with the Paris agreement Goals are becoming more and more relevant. Both groups also face growing demands from stakeholders to report on their impact and their commitment to sustainability. However, scaling up the integration of ESG factors into business practices and reporting habits requires industry-level collaboration.

To learn more about the impact of ESG integration on business and investment decisions on climate, join the webinar “ESG Metrics in Business & Investment Decisions” on 23 February. The webinar will explore climate-impact measurement from a business and investment perspective, providing participants with an overview of the integration of ESG metrics in both corporate strategy and financial investment decision-making.

In the first part, participating companies will present their experience and best practices in integrating ESG criteria in their strategy, investment decision, and reporting. In the second part, we will hear from experts on how science is offering companies a guide to align to the 2˚C pathway and how financial institutions integrated ESG methodologies to make their landing and investing portfolio Paris-aligned.

This event is part of CSR Europe’s Community of Practice “Financing the future for a green and inclusive Europe”.

For more information:

Marco Matrisciano

Project Manager Sustainability Management

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