CSR Europe’s European SDG Summit Set to Unite Businesses for a Social Green Deal


  • On 10-12 October, the third virtual edition of the Summit will feature the release of 8 industry-led publications to advance an inclusive Green Deal.

  • Three European Commissioners will take part in the three high-level plenaries in programme.


Brussels, 03 October 2022 – CSR Europe’s third virtual edition of the European SDG Summit will unite businesses, European leaders, and representatives of civil society to accelerate action towards climate neutrality and the adoption of an inclusive approach to the green and digital transition.

Between 10-12 October, +1.000 sustainability leaders are expected to take part in the 21 virtual sessions in programme, sharing practical contributions for the implementation of a European Social and Green Deal. Highlight of the event will be thelaunch of 8 industry-led publications to empower not only the E but the S of the ESG and guarantee social fairness. Amongst them, Business for Just Transition, featuring the second edition of the European Sustainable Industry Barometer and the European Business Roadmap for Just Transition

The Barometer 2022 shows how European sectors are positioned in terms of contributing to and managing social risks. The findings underscore the prevalence of social risk in Europe, the impacts of macrotrends, such as digitalization and the poor levels of preparedness of key sectors to the Just Transition. The Roadmap, on the other hand, stems from CSR Europe’s People Leaders Hub engagement with the European Commission and supports enterprises with methodologies and tools to embed Just Transition within their strategy and operations.


The Summit is co-organised in collaboration with CSR Europe’s network of 100+ organisations and includes 3 high-level plenaries delivered each day between 11:30-13:00 CET: 


Nicolas Schmit, European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, said: 

The clean energy transition has serious potential for job creation and the economy, but we have to make sure that the transition is fair and inclusive. Looking at the social impact of climate and energy policy should not be an afterthought – it is fundamental. This means investing heavily and immediately in quality jobs, income support, affordable services and - above all - skilling people.           

Ilham Kadri, CEO Solvay and Chair of the CSR Europe Advisory Board, said:

It is not the environment on one hand and the people on the other hand: it is the planet AND the people all together. Tackling inequality is a business imperative as much as a moral one. We are doing this because we must not leave anyone behind and because it impacts the bottom line. If we act now together, I truly believe that we can have an impact on society AND improve people’s lives. AND is the future.

Francesco Starace, CEO Enel, said:

We are facing various crises that are causing increasing inequality and uncertainty. This is forcing business leaders to change established and traditional business models in order to shape a more inclusive, people-driven, sustainable economy. Ensuring an equitable, clean and just transition is more than ever a business imperative to meet the 2030 Agenda: “Leave no one behind”.





 Daria Delnevo, Communications & Network Manager, dd@csreurope.org.



CSR Europe is the leading European business network for corporate sustainability and responsibility. With our corporate members, national partner organisations (NPOs), and associated partners, we unite, inspire & support over 10,000 enterprises at local, European, and global level. 

We support businesses & industry sectors in their transformation and collaboration towards practical solutions and sustainable growth. We are for systemic change. Following the SDGs, we want to co-build with the European leaders and stakeholders an overarching strategy for a sustainable Europe 2030.