CSR Europe

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CSR Europe’s Materials Programme for Impactful Due Diligence Practices

  • In 2023, CSR Europe’s Materials programme empowers members with practical guidance to build effective  grievance mechanisms and create real impact in raw materials sourcing in dialogue with European policymakers.

CSR Europe’s Materials programme for 2023 aims at preparing companies for the impact of the upcoming European directive on corporate sustainability due diligence (CS3D) as well as related sustainability reporting requirements.

CSR Europe members will have the opportunity to engage in:

  • The Materials Atelier series “Fostering a Human Rights-Based Approach to Business” (corporates-only).

  • EU Policy Dialogue with the Materials Leadership Hub “From due diligence requirements to real impact in raw materials sourcing” and EU policy updates.

Activities open also to non-members include:

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The Materials Atelier series “Fostering a Human Rights-Based Approach to Business”

Over the course of three sessions, CSR Europe corporate members will dive deep into the mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence requirements and how to set up impactful grievance mechanisms and remediation processes. Members are invited to register to all the three events as each session builds upon previous exchanges.

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EU Policy Dialogue

CSR Europe’s Materials Leadership Hub will focus on moving “From due diligence requirements to real impact in raw materials sourcing”. Corporate Members and National Partner Organisations will explore due diligence practices and the role of governments and civil society in enabling corporate action for systemic change. To this end, CSR Europe members will engage key stakeholders, including the European Commission. This engagement will build up towards the development of policy recommendations that will feed CSR Europe’s “policy paper for a social green deal 2024-2029”.

Besides the Materials Leadership Hub, CSR Europe will continue to keep members up-to-date on the EU policy developments with EU webinars and dedicated EU policy briefs, the EU Issue Insights.

CSR Europe members and non-members can also scale up their efforts to build sustainable and inclusive supply chains by:

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Collaborative Platforms

Members and non-members can join forces with their value chain peers to scale up their individual impact with CSR Europe’s collaborative platforms:

  • Responsible Trucking - 10 automotive, logistics, retail, and manufacture companies working together to improve social sustainability issues of the road transport and logistics sector.

  • Drive Sustainability - 18 leading global automotive companies working together to enhance sustainability throughout the automotive industry.

  • Drive Plus – the leading partnership of 40 automotive Tier-1 suppliers and supplier associations engaged in a systematic dialogue with Drive Sustainability’s Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs).

Companies interested in setting up a new collaborative platform on their specific sustainability challenge can reach out to CSR Europe.

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CSR Europe’s Sustainability Open Day

The event, which will take place online on 12 October, will feature the session “Fostering Human Rights Due Diligence for Impact”, providing first-hand experiences and bottom-up recommendations to policymakers and peer companies on how to ensure positive change through Human Rights due diligence in everyday business activities.

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Tailored Services

Members and non-members can proactively step up their effort in building up sustainable and inclusive supply chains that are meeting the requirements of EU policymakers by requesting the following tailored services:

CSR Europe members benefit from a 10% discount on the original price.

For more information:

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