CSR Europe

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CSR Sweden: The Power of Global collaboration

At the European SDG Summit 2020, our National Partner Organisation, CSR Sweden, organised a National SDG Roundtable on “The Impact of COVID-19 on SDGs 5-8-12”, exploring how businesses can continue to strive for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in the face of a global pandemic.

The session welcomed Parul Sharma (CEO at The Academy for Human Rights in Business, CSR Sweden), Alison Tate (Director of Economic and Social Policy at the International Trade Union Confederation) and Bharti Patel (Women's Rights Expert, and Former Director of ECPAT UK), who discussed measures for businesses to focus on the goals 5 (Gender Equality), 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) and 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production).

With more than 400 million jobs lost due to Covid-19, the looming threat of increasing gender inequality, domestic violence, and poverty, it is vital to reflect on how to build back better and how to transition to a new standard of living without losing sight of the Sustainable Development Goals.

The speakers all agreed: we need to meet the Covid-19 challenges together, on a global scale and seize the many new opportunities for collaboration the pandemic has presented. The demonstration of many businesses’ ability to adjust in this pandemic has been impressive, proving that it is possible to transform when needed, together.

“The SDG Summit 2020 was a testimony to the forces and determinations of the world’s most prominent SDG advocates. The Covid-19 crisis may have crippled the economy and the quality of life for countless individuals, however, it has evidently not managed to break the spirit and ambition of those driving the SDGs forward. There were unmistakable testaments of this in the 55 sessions, and the discussion carried on by the audience.”

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