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EU Upcoming Events - May

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Europe Day - Open Doors 2022 - Green Deal Village

The European Institutions are once again opening their doors to citizens. On Saturday 7 May, from 10:00 to 18:00 you can visit the European Commission building in Berlaymont (near round point Schuman) and discover several of the topics being managed by the European Commission. One of the areas you can visit and learn more about it is the ‘Green Deal Village’.

Climate change and environmental degradation are an existential threat to Europe and the world. To overcome these challenges, we aim to transform the EU into a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy, with no net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050.

In the European Green Deal Village, you will have the opportunity to learn how you can help us tackle these threats. You will also learn what activities and actions have already been taken to achieve the goals of the European Green Deal.

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Series of Webinars on the Revised TEN-E Regulation

On 15 December 2021, a political agreement was reached between co-legislators on a forward-looking Regulation for the planning and development of trans-European energy networks (TEN-E Regulation) in the EU.

Ahead of its formal entry into force, expected in June, the Commission is organising a series of dedicated webinars to present its key provisions.

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Clean Energy for EU Islands Forum

This year’s edition of the Clean energy for EU islands forum is entitled “From Clean Energy Vision To Clean Energy Action”, and it will take place on the Greek island of Rhodes on 17-18 May. The European Commissioner for Energy, Kadri Simson, will welcome participants on the first day and the opening will be followed by high-level political panel discussions, workshops and site visits, showing examples of how to move from clean energy vision to clean energy action.

The 2-day forum will allow participants to get insights about practical steps towards the decarbonisation of EU islands and to learn more both about ongoing and completed clean energy projects on islands.

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Euratom Conferences FISA 2022 – EURADWASTE ’22

The Euratom Conferences FISA 2022 – EURADWASTE ’22 organised by the French Presidency of the Council of the EU and the European Commission will take place on Monday 30 May – Friday 3 June 2022 in Lyon, France.

This will be the 10th edition of the Euratom research and training conferences on fission safety of reactor systems (FISA 2022) and radioactive waste management (EURADWASTE ’22) supported by the European Commission together with the Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives (CEA), under the auspices of the French Presidency of the Council of the EU.

The main objective of these high-level policy conferences is to present progress and key achievements of the Euratom research and training projects carried out since 2019 and to stimulate discussions on the state of play of Research and Innovations, key national, European and international challenges and opportunities, as well as exploring future perspectives.

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European Green Week

EU Green Week is an annual opportunity to debate European environmental policy with policymakers, leading environmentalists and stakeholders from Europe and beyond. This year's edition focuses on the European Green Deal - the EU’s sustainable and transformative growth strategy for a resource-efficient and climate-neutral Europe by 2050.

EU Green Week 2022 will take place from 30 May to 5 June 2022. The Green Week hybrid conference opens on 30 May with a high level debate on what happens to the EU environmental policy in times of crisis. The following day, three important aspects of the transformation – circular economy, zero pollution, and biodiversity, will be in the spotlight. Throughout the week, partner events will be taking place across Europe and beyond.


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