From Managing Sourcing Risks to Impact-Oriented Action: The Case of Aluminium

  • The European SDG Roundtable “sustainable aluminum, sourcing in the automotive value chain” on 12 October will explore how to secure reliable access to aluminum in the automotive supply chain amidst the shift towards electrification.

  • Highlight of the event will be the launch of Drive Sustainability’s Raw Material Outlook, the new data-driven platform aimed at shifting from risk identification to responsible sourcing.


Responsible sourcing of raw materials represents the fundamental premise for sustainable procurement and supply chain management processes. However, the complexities of global supply chains, with their transparency and traceability issues, are an obstacle for companies that want to guarantee sustainable material sourcing and prevent Human Rights and ESG standards violations, such as forced labour and water contamination.

At the European SDG Roundtable “Sustainable Aluminum, Sourcing in the Automotive Value Chainon 12 October, CSR Europe is bringing together European policymakers, companies, and civil society organisations to explore how to secure reliable access to critical raw materials like aluminium in the automotive supply chain, as its demand is expected to grow in the coming years in relation to the transition to electric vehicles.

Highlight of the session will be the presentation of Raw Material Outlook, the new data-driven platform launched by Drive Sustainability - the leading automotive partnership of 11 Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) facilitated by CSR Europe - to move from risk identification to responsible sourcing.

Raw Material Outlook:

  • Identifies Human Rights and ESG risks and the impacts of materials used in the automotive value chains, based on material-specific information of each value chain stage and the in-depth risk-analysis, stakeholders and right holders affected.

  • Supports the OEMs by providing valuable insights to improve the efficacy of their risk and impact management strategies and processes.

  • Facilitates multi-stakeholder engagement for collaborative action between Drive Sustainability partners, their suppliers and other stakeholders.

The roundtable, moderated by Johannes Danz, Project Coordinator for Sustainable Supply Chains, Human Rights and Raw Materials at Mercedes-Benz AG , will welcome guest speakers like Maria Nyberg, Policy Officer at DG GROW of the European Commission, Franziska Killiches, Strategy Procurement Group, Supplier Sustainability at Volkswagen Group AG, Rosanna Tufo, Specialist in Responsible Business and Development at Levin Sources, Jim Wormington, Senior Researcher at Human Rights Watch, Samir Whitaker, Senior Technical Specialist Extractives & Development Infrastructure at Flora and Fauna International, Henrik Wanfors, Head of Quality and Sustainability at Ages Industrier AB and Drive+, Marieke van der Mijn, Director of Impacts and Partnerships at the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative.

The roundtable is part of the European SDG Summit 2021, taking place online from 11-14 October. The Summit will bring together 5000+ Sustainability Leaders in 4 High-Level plenaries and 26 European and National SDG Roundtables to accelerate the journey towards climate neutrality and the adoption of an inclusive approach to the green and digital transition. The event is open and free for everyone. You can register here to have access to all the 30 sessions in programme.


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