Get Ready for the CS3D at CSR Europe’s Due Diligence Atelier

  • On 13 December, corporate members are invited to join CSR Europe in Brussels for the last session of Atelier series on “Fostering a Human-Rights Based Approach to Business”.

  • Register now and learn to master due diligence strategies and processes in line with the requirements of the upcoming Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive.


The Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D) is reshaping the landscape of corporate due diligence obligations across Europe, influencing how companies address actual and potential adverse impacts on human rights and the environment through their global value chains, including operations of subsidiaries and business partners. Having effective and robust grievance mechanism systems in place will therefore be key to ensure early risk identification, prevention, and remediation.

To meet the requirements of the upcoming directive, CSR Europe invites its corporate members to join the atelier “Mastering Due Diligence For Impactful CS3D Compliance”, taking place on 13 December, between 09:30-15:00 CET, in person, at the CSR Europe’s headquarters in Brussels.  Due to the limited capacity of the venue, registrations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

The event will deep dive into the requirements of the CS3D and provide inspiring corporate best practices for the integration and improvement of complaint management procedures and internal due diligence policies. In the first segment of the event, members will be updated on the CS3D requirements, with contributions from European Institutions, representatives from member states, and leading businesses of our network. Attendees will then be invited to share best practices and challenges encountered during the establishment and implementation of grievance procedures.

Join this atelier to:

  1. Gain Policy Insights: Learn the latest updates from European Institutions and industry leaders about the CS3D and its requirements.

  2. Learn in Best Practices: Discover best-practice examples from your peers on how to implement effective grievance procedures and due diligence policies.

  3. Foster Collaboration: Understand the importance of collaboration in handling grievances and addressing human rights adverse impacts.

  4. Elevate Your CSR Efforts: Improve your internal decision-making processes.


For more information:

Contact Martina Ferrara Snider




Daria Delnevo