Green is the New Growth Strategy

In 2020, CSR Europe will regularly update members and National Partner Organisations (NPOs) with the latest inside news about EC President von der Leyen’s three key political guidelines: the European Green Deal; An economy that works for People; Europe fit for the Digital Age. At the same time, we will keep on connecting with the new key European Commissioners to support their action. Join us at the EU Public Affairs Workshop on 11 February.



In 2020, CSR Europe will regularly release Issue Insights, host webinars for its members and National Partner Organisations (NPOs) to share inside information about the latest EU policy developments about and related to the European Green Deal. EC President Ursula von der Leyen’s flagship initiative will be “the new growth strategy that aims to transform the EU into a fair and prosperous society, with a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy where there are no net emissions of greenhouse gases in 2050 and where economic growth is decoupled from resource use”.


However, individuals and businesses in the EU can only thrive if the economy works for them. For this reason, CSR Europe will also follow the Commission’s policies aimed at building an economy that works for people. The economy can fully respond to the needs of the EU’s citizens but for that to happen, it is essential to strengthen small and medium-sized enterprises, who represent the backbone of the EU’s economy.


At the same time, bringing down barriers to learning and improving access to quality education will be paramount to ensure Europe’s competitiveness in the upcoming years. Therefore, we will also work to keep CSR Europe members and partners up to date with the advancement of digital technologies and the Commission’s work make Europe fit for the Digital Age.


In 2020, CSR Europe will keep on connecting with the new key European Commissioners to support the implementation of the European Green Deal and the new EU Industry Strategy.

Next Appointment:

EU Public Affairs Workshop11 February 2020.

We will focus on:

1_The EU’s new Sustainability Strategy to discover the implications for businesses, policymakers, industries, and civil society.

2_ Building Solutions via Collaborative Platforms. Companies will experience how strong collaboration with their European industry federations has the potential to scale-up solutions to sustainability issue and achieve large-scale impact.


In the meantime, positive signs are coming from President von der Leyen, who included in her Agenda key changes in the governance of the EC and in its financial framework.


The College of Commissioners will be responsible as a whole for the integration of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the EU policies. As part of the von der Leyen Commission’s strategy to implement the United Nation’s 2030 Agenda and the SDGs, the European Semester will refocus to integrate the SDGs.

Policy coherence between the EC's internal and external action.

The European Union external policy will be aligned with the internal targets and actions, and this will imply big changes, for instance, in the role that sustainability will play in trade agreements and other negotiations.


Finance will have a key role in the transition towards a sustainable Europe.

According to some EC studies, 180 billion Euros per-year, coming from public and (mostly) private investments, are needed to finance this transition.

For the past two years, the European Commission has been working on a Sustainable Finance Action Plan to secure this investment and put in place some key measures, such as the creation of an EU Taxonomy for sustainable activities. The confirmation of Dombrovskis as the lead of European financial affairs will ensure not only continuity with the past, but will also accelerate the work on sustainable finance.


For more information:

Lorena Sorrentino

Senior EU Project Manager