CSR Europe

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How can CSR Europe’s National Partners Engage in the Pact for Sustainable Industry?

Following the launch of the Pact for Sustainable Industry at the SDG Summit of 2020 - under the patronage of Frans Timmermans, Executive Vice-President of the Commission - a growing number of industry federations and organisations are showing their commitment towards sector and cross-sector collaborations and to scale up their impact on the ground.

When a National Partner Organisation engages in the Pacts, it will benefit from:

1. Recognition:

Being member of the PACT is a Sustainability commitment to:

  • Engage directly and/or through its member companies dialogue and collaboration with industry federations.

  • Develop a National P4SI in relation with the European P4SI.

  • Facilitate collaboration at sector and/or cross-sector level.

2. Access to sector intelligence & assessment methodology:

Access to the annual European Sustainable Industry Barometer coordinated by CSR Europe and Moody’s Vigeo Eiris which includes:

  • A benchmark of European Trade Federations (CSR Europe’s methodology).

  • A quantitative view of the overall ESG scores of 40 European industry sectors.

At extra cost (1.000 euro) you can also access CSR Europe’s methodology to assess the level of maturity and integration of sustainability of your national industry federations.

3. Visibility

Your organisations will be able to use the logo of the Pact and referred on the dedicated page of the CSR Europe’s website.

At the same time, when an NPO joins the Pact, it agrees to take the following actions:

  • Do annual reporting on collaborative activities at sector level via Air Table (mandatory).

  • Invite a federation at the roundtables of the SDG Summit 2021 (mandatory).

  • Offer to their members the opportunity to scale up their actions via CSR Europe collaborative activities (optional).

This value proposition was presented at the NPOs Networking Café on 29th April.


For more information:

Marco Matrisciano
Project Manager, Sustainability Management

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